Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion – Joint Industry Project Phase Two

Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion (MIC) constitutes a significant threat that compromises the integrity of pipelines and equipment across various industry sectors. Renowned for its unpredictability, MIC silently corrodes metal substrates, resulting in rapid and localised deterioration. Therefore, management of MIC is of paramount importance to safeguard the integrity of critical assets.
Considering the complexities of MIC, the Curtin Corrosion Centre launched a Joint Industry Project in 2021, establishing a collaborative framework between industry and academia to favour the transfer of knowledge and the application of demand driven research to tackle MIC challenges.
During the MIC-JIP Phase 1, our focus centred on improving MIC assessment methodologies. Over the course of this phase, our collaborative alliance achieved significant milestones. Notably, we developed two cutting-edge prediction models utilising artificial intelligence. These models serve to assess the probability of biofilm formation and MIC potential in industrial assets, providing a robust foundation for predictive maintenance strategies.
Furthermore, our team emerged as pioneers in advancing molecular methods used to characterise microbial communities in natural samples. By doing so, we successfully mitigated the risks associated with under or over-estimation of MIC potential, enhancing the precision and reliability of our assessments.
As we embark on MIC-JIP Phase 2, we are actively seeking industry partners to join the established collaborative team dedicated to strengthening industry resilience against MIC-related challenges. The new stage of the MIC-JIP will persist in its commitment to developing innovative tools and methodologies for predicting, diagnosing, and monitoring MIC.
Further information about the research themes of the MIC-JIP 2nd phase can be found in the brochure below.