Crevice Corrosion

We were honored to receive an invitation from Prof. John Scully to revised Sridhar et al. excellent ASTM MNL20 chapter on Crevice Corrosion. It has been a tall order, but after much work, we recently submitted an entirely revised and updated article.
Below you will find a link to download a preprint version. We invite you to provide comments and recommendations to help us improve the book chapter before it gets published, hopefully, in 2020.
We wish you will find the new information (especially the tables) useful!
Why is it important?
Today, there is a large number of accepted tests to study crevice corrosion phenomena. The different methodologies can be used for comparing and ranking alloys, quality control, assessing the effects of changes in manufacturing routes and alloy composition on crevice corrosion resistance, as well as in evaluations to determine critical temperatures and potentials and induction times. The goal of the chapter is to describe the various standard test methods available to the corrosion specialist as well as adaptations to study specific crevice corrosion parameters. The focus is on test methods developed by the ASTM Committee G-1 on corrosion of metals, but other procedures are also included. While the test principles have been applied to many alloy systems, the scope of the chapter is on stainless steels and nickel-based alloys.
Get the book chapter
Preprint Citation
Iannuzzi, Mariano, Mobin Salasi, and Edgar Hornus. 2019. “Crevice Corrosion.” engrXiv. October 10. doi:10.31224/
Copyright etc.
This is a preprint of an article submitted for publication in MNL20 Corrosion Tests and Standards: Application and Interpretation – 3rd Edition, Copyright 2020, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA.